Deffect token

Trading or creation fees

There is a placeholder for an EXIT_FEE in the code, based on deffburn rule, we set custom fee values based on the market to have an effect on transaction increase and community development..

Tokens for managers

EF can be used to encourage traders. They are usually delivered directly to liquidity providers once a week at a certain rate and once a week.

DEF are also tokens about proof of stake in transactions.

The DEF is also a reward for the value of the prize and rewards for community developer Deffector.

Tokens that manage DEF

Since our incorporation, our goal at Deffect has been to decentralize and diversify the management of the Deffect Protocol. We reviewed several approaches and designs, and came up with one that we are proud to share: Tokens that govern the effect protocol (DEF).

For successful decentralized governance, we created the DEF token which is the vehicle to promote coupling and participate in the effect protocols. Tokens DEF can be seen as an investment value; DEF token holders may or may not be those interacting with ecosystems that still generate profitable value.

The Deffect protocol allows any token on T Main Net account to add liquidity as tokens to existing Deffect pools or even create their own.

Liquidity and burning effects attract traders, traders generate fees, and ultimately the gross profit based on a sharing platform attracts more liquidity. Here is the Deffect benefit we're starting to see happening in the Deffect protocol.

Distribution and release


The total supply of DEF tokens will be capped at 900 million. This does NOT mean that this limit will never be reached. It will be up to the governance board (controlled by the DEF token community) to decide if distribution should end before this limit is reached. Def is not prefabricated, it depends on community factors, in case of reaching equilibrium based on development, Def will be burned or based on community voting to reach the maximum limit.

A token is a type of digital asset that is issued on the Blockchain, and generally used as a unit-of-value.

In recent years most tokens are built on the TRON based TRC-20 Tokens.

These crypto Tokens are often used to raise funds by companies to launch services or as a means to deliver a service to customers.

Minimum swap fee - 0.0001%

There is a minimum swap fee of 0.0001% (or one percentage basis point) to counter any adverse group rounding.

Maximum swap fee - 10%

This is to prevent malicious group controllers from setting transaction fees in favor. (Eg: a group controller can pre-run a large transaction and set a fee of 99%.) No one wants to be this guy.

In brief

The official release is the first of three planned releases of the Balanced Protocol. Copper emphasizes code clarity for testing and verification, and doesn't go too far to optimize for gas.

Similarly, Smart Pools with configurable permissions have getter functions to return the instance of the Smart Pool Manager, Rights Manager, and Safe Math Libraries they were associated with when deployed. Of course, you can also retrieve the underlying Core Pool controlled by the Smart Pool and call getColor() on it.

Configurable permission group

Deffect's Configurable Rights Pool is the reference implementation of the Balanced Rights Pool controlled by the smart contract. It is flexible enough to be used directly to create a customizable Smart Pool. Like the Core Pool (Dpool), it is generated from a factory - and as the name implies, its functionality can be customized to meet the needs of your project.

It is also designed to be easily extensible, and we show examples of the configurable Permissions Group extension in the Smart Group Template. Smart Pool Templates . These are projects with specific needs and custom logic that need to override and change core functionality

Smartcontract display addresses

Smartcontract display addresses will be updated after the public project develops.

Pause Swap

Allows the controller to suspend transactions (swaps) on the underlying core pool. Like mature core pools, Configurable Permission Pools are created when a transaction is allowed. With the swap on hold, the controller (or the logic in the smart contract) can turn the transaction on and off. For example: the controller may want to "shorten" the contract in certain pathological circumstances, such as a market crash.

1Swap fees vary:

Allows the controller to change the Swap Fee after contract deployment, within the limits set by the underlying core team (e.g.: it cannot be zero or greater than 10%). With this permission, it is possible to implement fee optimization strategies (e.g.: maximize profits or minimize impermanent losses).

Change weight:

The controller can call updateWeight (to update the weight of a token directly) or updateWeightsGradently (to linearly transform a set of weights over time). This allows for liquidity launch, UMA-style perpetual aggregation, and many other strategies. Note that changing the weight changes the balance.

Add/Remove Tokens:

Allows the controller to change the composition of the group. Needless to say, this requires a lot of trust in the Smart Pool owner, but allows for powerful strategies, especially in combination with other permissions. For example: permanent "rolling" synthesis. Adding tokens is a two-step process aimed at mitigating this risk and reducing the required trust. The protocol emits an event when a token is "committed" (soon to be added) and enforces a minimum timeout before the controller can "apply" (actually add) the token.

Whitelisted LPs:

when this permission is enabled, no one can add liquidity (not even the controller, other than the initial pool creation), unless the creator whitelists them. This allows private investment clubs, exclusive token launches, etc.

Last updated