Deffect Dkendo

DeffectDkendo Lottery belonging to Deffect's ecosystem is a lottery DApp for Tron main net


DeffectDkendo Lottery belonging to Deffect's ecosystem is a lottery DApp for Tron main net, With TRON becoming a development effect creating quite a few Tron-based platforms, Deffect Dkendo Lottery is a DApp effect for the creation of betting values on the Tron Main net.


Deffect Dkendo Lottery offers players a chance to win great prizes by betting on the outcome of numbers generated from each newly generated Deffect Dkendo transaction hash. Winning numbers are derived from the latest transaction hash using our lottery software, with the last number of the latest TxHash representing the winning number.


If the last digit is a number, it will be considered a valid number, otherwise the next TxHash will be considered, until all 10 numbers are generated. A Tron Hash is a 32-bit ID randomly generated by a complex cryptographic algorithm and usually displayed as a hex value. Our drawing process takes advantage of this truly random computation to ensure fairness and transparency.

All Deffect Dkendo game result results are generated based on Deffect Dkendo block ID. We generate a random number daily and use it to combine with the block ID to form a chain, then execute the SHA256 algorithm to compute the HASH value of the string to obtain a unique ID as the result. game.


Your goal is to bet on the outcome of the last 5 digits of the first qualified TxHash from the next hash block. You can bet on at least one and more of the 5 digits to increase your potential winnings.


DeffectDkendo Lottery is a game every 60 minutes, running a total of 24 rounds per day, 365 days per year non-stop. You can bet on as many, or as few rounds as you like! Or you can place multiple bets at once. Each ticket is considered a user

Max bet

Limit per order: The system now makes a maximum bet of 10000 DEF and a minimum bet of 100 DEF per order.

To ensure the long-term viability of the DeffectDkendo Lottery, there is also a maximum limit that all players can set per round. The maximum bet amount that will be accepted by the system is not more than 5% of the lottery balance.


To facilitate the verification process, we will update the random number daily at UTC+0, to publish the hash of the latest and previous random number. All records are stored on the blockchain and are accessible through our partner website.

SHA256 (RANDOM) = HASH Method not accepted

Please inform that the previous encryption algorithm has been dropped due to its vulnerability. The public and private keys used in this algorithm are published as below and can be used to verify the results over the past few days. You don't need to register an account with us to play Deffect Dkendo! The only thing you need is a funded and decentralized E-Wallet account that allows you to log in directly and start winning!

How to produce results

Unlike other dice games, Deffect Dkendo does not generate numbers inside, by allowing the player to bet on the last 2 digits of the 10th block ID after the bet is confirmed, the player has You can rest assured that the results are always fair.

For example: if your 5 Deffect Dkendo bet has its transaction recorded in block 19125344, the result will be retrieved from the 10th block ID then (19125344 + 10) = 19125354. For the purposes of this game, block 19125344 is considered the betting block, while block 19125354 is considered the result block.

When the last two digits are not numbers, we will find the nearest digits in turn. The ID of the Deffect Dkendo block is a 32-byte number, randomly generated according to a series of complex cryptographic algorithms. The normal display mode is hexadecimal and our lottery numbers are using a truly random number. The result is used as the result number.

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